- lemon squash
- лимонный сок с содовой водой
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
lemon squash — Brit. lemon soda; a soft drink of lemon juice and soda water. [1875 80] * * * lemon squash noun A concentrated lemon drink • • • Main Entry: ↑lemon * * * lemon squash, British. lemonade made with carbonated water … Useful english dictionary
lemon squash — lemon juice, juice extracted from lemons … English contemporary dictionary
lemon squash — lem′on squash′ n. brit. coo a soft drink made with sweetened lemon juice and water • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
lemon squash — Brit. lemon soda; a soft drink of lemon juice and soda water. [1875 80] * * * … Universalium
lemon squash — /lɛmən ˈskwɒʃ/ (say lemuhn skwosh) noun a soft drink made of sweetened lemon juice or lemon cordial diluted with water …
lemon squash — лимонный сквош squash tennis американский сквош … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Lemon squash — a wash … Dictionary of Australian slang
lemon squash — Australian Slang a wash … English dialects glossary
squash — squash1 [skwôsh, skwäsh] vt. [OFr esquasser < VL * exquassare < L ex , intens. + quassus: see QUASH2] 1. a) to squeeze or crush into a soft or flat mass b) to press or squeeze tightly or too tightly 2. to suppress or bring to an abrupt end; … English World dictionary
Squash (drink) — For other uses, see Squash (disambiguation). Fruit flavored squash before and after being mixed with water … Wikipedia
squash — squash1 squasher, n. /skwosh, skwawsh/, v.t. 1. to press into a flat mass or pulp; crush: She squashed the flower under her heel. 2. to suppress or put down; quash. 3. to silence or disconcert (someone), as with a crushing retort or emotional or… … Universalium